Kaspar Kröner

About Kaspar Kröner

Growing up in a musicians’ family, my love for music was established at a very early age, singing forming the foundation of lots of musical activities as a child. In the following years playing the viola became the means of expressing myself and developing musical skills and it was not before the age of 20 that I rediscovered the joy and excitement of singing, experimenting with the miraculous sounds coming out of my mouth and with words and phrases of enchanting poetry.

As well as the beautiful music of oratorio and opera nowadays sung by countertenors, from the new start of my singing adventures I was especially intrigued by English art song. One of my earliest encounters was “Come away death” by Gerald Finzi (included on this disk) and the most mesmerizing Canticle “Abraham and Isaac” by Benjamin Britten which I performed together with my singing teacher Scot Weir and accompanist Stewart Emerson. Later discovering the lute songs by John Dowland, I was fascinated by the particular colours and affectionate, almost introvert sounds of the English song tradition. These early discoveries formed an important reason to embark on the journey of Lied during recent years.

The strongest motivation  for making this album was to take a first step towards my dream of developing as an artist without feeling limited to the choice of repertoire or requirements of style usually associated to the countertenor voice.
